Illustration By : Evelien Verschroeven


Public space & Climate change

Connecting and highlighting our diverse world and intersectional community, from the Global South to Global North, on important topics relating to Empowering Women, Public Space and Climate Change.


WHY are these topics are Important for us and to you?

Women compromise to appoximately half of the world’s population, yet they are disproportionately affected to poverty, conflict and climate change. For this reason, building sustainable, inclusive resilient communities and cities requires engaging women across all fields. This also requires the extended community and all to be part of these discussions.

In achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 of Gender Equality, we need to get more into planning, architecture and urban design. To have more empathy for the needs of all, especially minority groups.

The need for safe and secure pubic space, where women and girls can work, play, meet and go at night. The protection of women’s rights, is indeed a global concern. Yet, it also needs to be addressed within the complexities of each city context.

What we aim to do

Empowering women in the context of public space and climate change is crucial for creating a sustainable and equitable future. This requires transformation towards regenerative and restorative public spaces that prioritize inclusivity and sustainability. By creating public spaces that serve the needs of the intersectionality of women, we can build more resilient communities that are better equiped to face the challenges of climate change. The transformation must prioritize the voices and needs of marginalized communities and aim for equity and justice for all. Only then we can build public spaces that are truly sustainable, inclusive and equitable for all.  

Empowering Women, Pubic Space and Climate Change aims to create further awareness, research and projects on female led initiatives by sharing resources. Gathering experts and those working on the fields in a variety of sectors with a focus on empowering women from around the world, by sharing, exchanging and collaborating.

We also have the ‘Empowering Women, Pubic Space & Climate Change – Talks’ sessions in which we engage in inspiring debates and discussion, taking an inclusive approach to highlight women in the field of public space, climate change and female leadership. Find out more about these sessions here.


Women of the NEB

We Recognize!
EMPOWERING WOMEN, PUBLIC SPACE AND CLIMATE CHANGE RECOGNIZES THE NEED FOR MORE GENDER EQUALITY, RACIAL AND SOCIAL JUSTICE. With taking a more integrated systemic approach by local governments, private sector and civic society organizations together with individuals across our diverse communities.

WHERE we do this?

We share, exchange and collaborate online and in-person, from the virtual world to on the ground. From projects together with active individuals, civic society organizations, collectives and NGO’s, to municiple, towns and cities, togher with local and global initiatives led by City Leaders, Authorities, Networks and major instutions such as the United Nations. Find out more about some of our events and sessions so far via this link here.

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Join us in advocating for a sustainable future by empowering women and working towards more gender equality in all aspects of society and by taking action on our public spaces and climate change and in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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    WHY are these topics are Important for us and to you?