United Nations World Urban Forum #WUF11 -2022

United Nations World Urban Forum #WUF11 BIDs Belgium had the pleasure to attend the eleventh UN World Urban Forum, held in Katowice, Poland between the 26th and 30th of June, 2022. Events at the International Congress Centre with receptions, events, celebrations and the many panels. Including the 10 years anniversary of the UN Habitat Global Public Space Programme, which […]

Empowering Women, Public Space & Climate Change –
Innovate4Cities -2021

Linking with our Empowering Women & Public Space initiative – BIDs Belgium and City Space Architecture launched Empowering Women & Climate Change at the Innovate4Cities Conference with co-organizing a session on the 15th October 2021. The conference was co-organized by the Global Covenant for Mayors for Climate Change and UN Habitat with sponsors of the IPCC. This session was co-moderated by Rozina Spinnoy of BIDs […]